Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A swift smack across the face

That's how I'd refer to this realization.
I always refused to change for the benefit of other people. I liked myself the way I was. I thought I I was a genuinelly decent person, up until this past month or so.
Ironically, it wasn't aquaintances, strangers or friends that pushed me to change, it was my family. They've been so hell bent on my changing because the fact that I'm bad at one thing is like the end of the world.
Well fuck that.
I guess I always had this view that they were the only people who's opinion really, truly mattered, but when it comes down to it, they're human. Just like everyone else. They see flaws. Just like everyone else. They want people to change for the benefit of themselves more than the benefit of that individual. Just like everyone else.
Well you know what? They're my family. I shouldn't have to wear a mask or change a MINOR flaw for them to love me.
I've got one year left in this house.
I'm not changing a thing.

- Dallas
Life isn't easier for other people,
we're just better at faking it.

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