Monday, August 18, 2008

It's not all about you.

You in a nutshell.

The battle lines have been drawn,
and you're on the losing side...
Just an fyi.


Robert said...

hey. this may seem really random, but a year or so ago I found this website that suggested a bunch of random acts of kindness. one I vividly remembered was "Hanging a wind chime in a parking lot." i am in search of this website again, but i can't find it.

so i googled "random acts hang wind chimes in parking lot" and your blog was the second hit.

your list of "100 plus 1" (which is an awesome list btw) had hanging wind chimes from parking lot trees. is this an original idea or did you get it from the same website that i'm looking for? if it is from that website... i'd like to know what it is!


Miss Manda said...

Oh no. It's original. I'm sorry. :/ Wish I could help you.